

Department of Computer and Information Technology

There are currently 5 fill-time vocational specialties in Department of Computer and Information Technology, including Computer Net-working Technology, Digital Media Design, Architectural Animation and Modeling, Mobile Internet Application Technology, and Communication Engineering Design and Supervision. The faculty has nearly 1700 full-time students and 40 teaching and administrative staff. It now owns a faculty of 26 full-time teachers, 3 of which are full and associate professors. It has 1 provincial model practice and training base (fiscal-supported) and 2 provincial model training bases for construction education, 1 program evaluated by the Department of Education of Guangxi as exemplary, 1 program evaluated by the Department of Education of Guangxi as urgently-needed, and 1 course module has been recognized by the Department of Education of Guangxi as the high quality course modules. In recent years, the students have attended national and provincial competitions and won about 112 prizes, and the employment rate of graduates has continuously reached to 95% for 10 years.

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